Thursday, September 2, 2010

Another grEAT blog discovery;)

One of my favorite parts of being a blogger is reading other blogs!  I love settling in at my imac with a cup of coffee and checking in with people who inspire me in one way or another!  Fashionistas, designers, authors, chefs, yogis, spiritual teachers,  and just ordinary people doing what THEY love!!  How creative to turn your passion into a virtual diary blogging away to share your fantasies:)  Surrounding yourself with the things YOU love is a HUGE key to happiness in my book.

Today I discovered yet another blogger who lured me into her world!
Into her magical kitchen in Berlin for a slice (or two) of avocado toast, join us!
The Wednesday Chef
For a slice of avocado toast,

 It's what's for lunch

1 comment:

  1. Looks delish! I find the sweetest people and the best inspiration from blogs!
